Water Battle - Logo [staand]

Reduce Consumer Water Usage

Up to 25% water savings by using a game

Global demand for fresh water will exceed supply by 40% in 2030

Infrastructure maintenance

Peaks in water usage lead to exponential cost for water delivery, infrastructure investment and maintenance

Population growth

The world’s population is expected to increase by 2 billion persons in the next 30 years.

Government regulations

Many governments set goals to help meet the challenges posed to water supplies by climate change and population growth..

What is the solution?

A serious game where families play together and use less water


Households gain insight into their water usage, pledge a reduction target and are challenged to change their behavior.

Households play with their actual water usage. The Water Battle supports smart meters, standard meters and unmetered customers.

Change consumer habits with a game




Reduce consumer water usage

Improve customer interaction

Improve customer awareness

Pledging to use less water, frequent feedback and tips and tricks give households the tools to effectively reduce their usage

This serious game can be an important part of any campaign. Starting dialogue with consumers, offering both entertainment and education.

Giving households insight into their water usage, and offering them valuable information on water issues and production help enforce more sustainable behavior.

The Water Battle works!

litres of water saving

During a previous Water Battle in the Netherlands, participants saved an average of at least 7%. This allows us to save 150 million litres of water a day.

Savings in top players
0 %

All players who finished in the top 10 achieved a water saving of up to 25%

What our players say

The Water Battle is an award-winning product

Let us know you are interested

We would love to provide you with more information on the effects of the Water Battle and inform you on how to start using the Water Battle for your company.

Or download the game for Android or iOS and experience the Water Battle and its effects first hand.